Adapting Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Autistic People
This workshop will focus on building clinician confidence in working with autistic clients and specifically in the delivery of cognitive behavioural interventions (CBT). The workshop will provide an introduction to Autism and the rationale for adapting CBT. The main adaptations to assessment, formulation and intervention will be presented. Practice exercises will be used to bring the principles to life. The focus will be cognitive behavioral practice with autistic people 14 years and older who do not have an intellectual disability. The workshop may also be helpful in adapting practice for people with social communication difficulties who do not have a formal diagnosis.
The intended learning outcomes are:
- To become familiar with the key adaptations to CBT for mental health problems in the context of Autism
- To understand the rationale for the adaptations to CBT
- To gain classroom-based skills practice in the key adaptations
- To become familiar with the evidence base
Speaker’s Biography:
Ailsa Russell is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Centre for Applied Autism Research, Department of Psychology, University of Bath. She has worked in national specialist and community-based autism services. She has led clinical trials investigating the usefulness of adapted CBT for co-occurring mental health problems, specifically treating obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression.
Vinnustofan er ætluð sálfræðingum og öðrum meðferðaraðilum sem veita hugræna atflerilsmeðferð í sínu starfi. Hún verður haldin laugardaginn 30. nóvember kl. 8.30-16.30 en staðsetning verður auglýst síðar. Verð fyrir þáttöku á vinnustofunni er 65.000 krónur en hægt er að skrá sig og ganga frá greiðslu í vefverslun okkar